Who are you?

For those that must be different…

Regardless of reason…

…why you're here, this session will:

  • Introduce you to data science
  • Introduce you to R
  • Discuss some state-of-the-art tools for data exploration and visualization, with the context of classroom use

Open, Interactive Presentation

Vision for a data science course

(based on talk by Mine Çetinkaya-Rindel at useR2017)

  • modern
  • put data front and center
  • quantitative (but not mathematical)
  • different than high school stats
  • challenging (but not intimidating)

Vision for a data science course

Emphasize modern, multivariate exploratory data analysis and data visualization

Vision for a data science course

Teach the data life cycle

Vision for a data science course

Teach (not just expect) reproducible computation

Vision for a data science course

Approach statistics from a model based perspective

Vision for a data science course

Pedagogical recommendations

  • Encourage and enforce working collaboritavely (think, code, write, present)
  • Underscore effective communication of findings
  • Ask questions students want to answer
  • Equip students with the tools to answer questions of their own choosing

What is data science anyways?

This is the difference between statistics and data science, by Justin Megahan

"And there is certainly no lack of demand for data scientists. A few months ago, Glassdoor named it the top job of 2016 – with more than 1,700 job openings and an average salary of $116k."
- Justin Megahan

"There have been calls to do more in the statistics community, to expand its boundaries, to look more to data collection, management, and presentation, to focus more on predicting future outcomes and less on merely inferring relationships."
- Justin Megahan

What is data science anyways?

Data science "is"

  • Applied statistics (statistical modeling)
  • Data skills (exploratory data analysis and visualization)
  • Computational skills (scripting; reproducibility)

Data science is everywhere

New York Times

Data science is everywhere

Wall Street Journal

Data viz for journalists

For educational use?

Sleep Cycle alarm clock

  • Students measured sleep over one month, recorded factors of interest (test next day, spring break, sleep location, etc.), and analyzed against sleep quality.


What about for biology?

Why scripting languages over GUIs?

Reproducibility, Collaboration, Open Source and Versioning

Our path to better science in less time using open data science tools (Lowndes et al., 2017)

"Coding is 'as important to modern scientific research as telescopes and test tubes'\(^1\), but it is critical to 'dispel the misconception that these skills are intuitive, obvious, or in any way inherent'\(^2\)".

Open science challenges

Reasons researchers do not publish reproducibly (Borgman, 2007):

  • a lack of incentives in terms of citations or promotion
  • the effort required to clean data and codes
  • the creation of a competitive advantage over other fellows
  • intellectual property issues

Where can I learn/practice my skills?

DataCamp R curriculum

DataCamp R curriculum


Step 1: Data Wrangling


Importing data


Cleaning data


Manipulating data

Step 2: Visualizing data


Visualizing data with ggplot2

The Carpentries

"Our mission is to provide researchers high-quality, domain-specific training covering the full lifecycle of data-driven research."
- Data Carpentry

Data Science in the Classroom

Software on QUBES

Software on QUBES

Jupyter Notebooks

Project Jupyter

JupyterLab (coming soon!)

Project Jupyter

nbgrader (coming "soon" to QUBES!)

Software on QUBES

RStudio Server, R Markdown, and R Notebooks

Software on QUBES

Shiny: Creating GUI web apps in R

Software on QUBES

Interactive Web Documents

Software on QUBES

Dashboards (Shiny or Flex)

Software on QUBES

Serenity: Bridging the coding gap

  • Shiny web app
  • Focus on data life cycle
  • GUI based, like JMP…
  • …but creates code from GUI actions for reproducible report
  • Default to tidyverse, but allow base R
  • Easy drag-and-drop creation of dashboards
  • Use pipes user-interface for data life cycle
  • Use modern visualization tools (htmlwidgets)
  • Database + Google Sheet connections

Software on QUBES

Serenity: Bridging the coding gap

Current version is in development (alpha).

Forked from Radiant developed by Vincent Nijs.

Radiant was developed for teaching Business Analytics.

One more thing…

Wrap-up: References

Wrap-up: #rstats community rocks!

Thank you